Sunday, January 19, 2014

~Cool as a cucumber: Letting go of the worry~

When I was little I had a lot of fear because I would have bad dreams and nightmares almost every night, I didn't know why I kept having these terrible nightmares nearly every night, I never watched scary shows or anything like that when I was little because we were always taught to only welcome peace into our house and to even shake off the worry before we went to sleep at night! I remember waking up several times with tears running down my face and shaking in fear from nightmares! I didn't understand why I was having the nightmares but even as a small child I was aware of who was giving me these nightmares..It was Satan! He was trying his hardest to instill fear in my life! He knew that I went to church and was at the church more during the week than at home! He knew that I loved Jesus and that I loved going to Sunday School! He knew that I loved spreading joy to others even though I was very shy when I was little! But Satan knew if he could get into my mind while I was sleeping and if he could put fear in me, then I would become too afraid to try new things, quote bible verses in Sunday School or even make new friends at church! The Devil always has a plan..we must never forget that! We must always prepare ourselves so that when he chooses to attack us in different ways, we will be ready to fight that battle in the name of the Lord!
So what did I do? I started reading my bible longer, I started doing puppets in children's church, I started watching praise and worship video's, I even asked my Sunday School teacher if I could teach sometime! Which I ended up doing every other month and other children started to teach sometimes as well! I wasn't going to let Satan steal my joy and peace at all! I wasn't about to let that happen! I knew that God loved me and that God had a big plan for me someday and I wasn't going to allow myself to become defeated!
If I hadn't fought back I would've never been able to step on a stage and encourage people and lead people into Worship! If I hadn't of overcome the Fear I wouldn't have been able to teach a children's class like I teach now! I would've been in the darkness and overshadowed by overwhelming Fear, And where there's fear there's also Worry, Doubt, depression, low self-esteem, and not being able to trust people!
The list goes on and on of what fear does to a person! That is no way to live your life, God has a better plan for you! I want to encourage you to do the same thing I did when I was a child..Read your Bible, think positive thoughts and remind yourself everyday that God Loves You! Start rebuking the Devil's plan for your life and arm yourself with the word of God! step-out and do something for matter how small of a start it may be! It will be worth it in the end because you will leave behind the Fear and Worry!
God has a calling for your life, his plans are even better than your biggest, most beautiful of dreams!
God can help you to Trust again, he can help you to love again, he can even help you to have a smile on your face again! Put your trust in him and I promise that you won't be disappointed! And you will have put Satan behind you! (Isaiah 57:2) "Those who live uprightly enter a place of peace; they rest on their beds."
(Romans 16:20) "The God of Peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet. The Grace of our Lord Jesus be with you."
Rest peacefully in knowing that God's watching over you and he loves you! Don't Worry anymore because God's taking care of it all for you while you seek him and read his word!

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