I've found ways to break through and show others who I am and though I don't have "my groupies" as they would say..I do have a good few friends that go to church with me and they seem to like the person that I've allowed myself to become..A woman of God and a good, honest friend to them!
I love my friends and the people that are in my church family, I am exactly in the right calling and in the right place, where God has placed me and purposed me to be in, God doesn't make mistakes and he didn't make a mistake when he choose a shy and timid girl either! He has shaped me into a more outgoing and excited to speak in a microphone, on a stage, in front of a big crowd and he has turned me from being "a girl" into "a woman of God" God has opened my eyes to so many things about his kingdom and even about myself..things that I never knew about myself, things that I didn't know I could do for him!
For example..I never knew that I would be sitting here typing this blog post for all of you to read! I never knew that I could have so much to say about God but I am able to tell you all on this page and it's amazing to me how God has blessed me with his favor and has sent people that I may never meet in person, on here by Internet to read my thoughts and passions about God, America, Life, Family, Love, Healing, Purpose, Dreams, Goals, Hopes and faith!
I am living my life according to God's standards and leaving behind the standards of this world as well as leaving behind my own standards! God's plan for my life is an unfolding dream and I look forward to living my life in the next few chapters of my life's story from God!
I'm so glad that you can travel there with me on this blog through the years to come and someday I'm certain we shall meet in person and perhaps even have a hot cup of tea beside me!
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