Sunday, July 13, 2014

~His Love Is Constant~

Psalms 73:23-26
"Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will receive me to glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
When we grow tired of the way the world is and the people that are of this world, it's always a good thing to be reminded that God is always there even to the end of time! when we feel lost in this world or we feel confused..God is there to meet our every need..It's not always easy in this life but it's easy to know who to turn to when things begin to fall in around us! God is always going to help us and offer to us as a way of escape..sometimes he offers us a door to exit but sometimes he offers us a window of opportunity to reveal something to us that is going on in someone else's life.
God always has something planned for us..often he offers us a time to learn something that we never knew that we needed to learn in our lives!
There are so many wonderful things that God has set before us to equip us in this life and the tools to make a skilled life for ourselves! It is up to us to decide whether or not to use those tools and gifts for his glory..if we decide to use those tools and gifts to NOT honor God then it's a waste of a great talent that he has given us..he has given us many of the talents we have so we can help others in need..some of the talents we have are just extras..I think he gives us those because God has a good sense of humor and he wanted to make us unique in that way! For instance, I am talented in being witty, I can think on my feet and make others laugh because of it..I'm not sure why I'm that way but it seems to make others smile a lot so I'm glad that he made me that way! He also gave you a unique personality and character! I believe that we should allow God to mold us into whatever area that he decides to use us in! Be proud of who you are and the personality he gave you..and ask him to mold you into whatever he has planned for your life that you'll be able to succeed in his will for your life and that you won't hinder yourself from going into God's will! Whatever he has equipped you with in your life..give it to him and give the glory to him and he will use you in even bigger ways than you could've done on your own! God wants you to use your hands to help shape others and encourage them to also use their abilities to help others! He wants us to use our gifts to bring him glory and he wants us to use those gifts to encourage and build others up as well..whether they're saved or unsaved he wants us to build them up and share the kindness that Jesus had shown us by dying for us all! We must always remember why we're here and what our mission is according to "His purpose" God will always drive us to accomplish our goals in this life and he sees the best in us when we cannot see the best in ourselves anymore..he always sees the potential that is there when we cannot see it with our own eyes! I'm so glad that he saw us for who we really are and still he loved us so much that he died for us..we wouldn't have a chance of grace without the love that he offered us when he sacrificed himself for our sins!

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