Sunday, August 17, 2014

~Be a helping hand~

What would you do if you were standing face to face with an opportunity that you knew God had placed into your life after so many years before? Would you be afraid or would you trust God and trust in the gifts that you have grown up in that God has equipped you with to use?
When it comes down to it you have to make the right choice that when you stand before God you know that you have done your very best to help someone in need, there has to be peace in your heart to know that you have done your part and have planted a seed in someone, giving them the chance that they really needed to feel valued and loved by the father!
I want to be a world changer, not just someone who only lives in this world, I don't want to just sit around doing nothing when I can instill something positive into people's lives and later on down the road they will remember what you said, what you did or an act of kindness that you proved to them in some way that really showed them your love for God that wasn't in a pushy kind of way but in a loving way!
I'm discovering more and more through the years that my life is doing just that..I used to underestimate what the power of a smile could bring into someone's life, I didn't know that it could save someone's life! I didn't understand back then that one of my gifts would be encouraging people and lifting them up out of darkness, I didn't know that my joy could effect those around me and it could build them up! Now that I've discovered that is one of my gifts I'm going to reach out to as many people as I can so that they might see Jesus through me!
I want to build people up, I want to encourage people to follow after God, I want to show people God's love so that I can show them how he can change their lives for the better! I want to be a living, breathing example of God's faithfulness and of his love!
We have to make others understand the changes that a person makes in ones life is a gradual thing that is hard sometimes and that it's alright to struggle because you are doing it for a good reason and it's going to be worth it in the end when you receive so many blessings from God by the faithfulness that you are giving him with your life!
Isaiah 64:8
"8 But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand."
God is full of mercy and rich in love, He understands us better than anyone and sees our failures but yet He gave his son up for our ransom so that we can be free from all sin!
Matthew 20:28
"28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
If given the chance to help someone to come back to Christ I would do matter what, because God forgave me so He can forgive them too..God is rich in mercy, slow to anger, compassionate and fair..shouldn't we act the same way toward others who are trying to find their way back? If given the opportunity to help someone in need would you do it? Would you be Jesus' hands? Would you be Jesus' feet? Think about that today and ask God to help you to be his hands and his feet so you can help those in need! Different gifts help different people out there, we are all needed in God's army and He has a special purpose for all of us so each and every one of us can reach out to the hurting and the crushed in spirit!

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