Moving on..
The thing this life you have to take moments as they come, at times God sends tests our way that we don't pass and that's also part of becoming who we need to become.
Life is made up of so many different components and we have to learn how to accept the things that we must but somehow move on from the guilt from the mistakes that we've made as well.
We mustn't allow Satan to convince us that we have lost our value because of the mistakes that we've made,
In face what we sometimes need to understand is that we can build an even better future if only we would surrender even the little things to God!
God is leading us where we need to go but mistakes are part of that journey..Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying.."life is short, go make intentional mistakes"
I'm not saying to do that, I'm saying that we need to remember that when we make those mistakes we can allow God to make something good come from that mistake by helping others to see that you've made it through and they can move on from their mistakes as well!
You can only fail in this life if you do these three things..
#1. You lose your relationship with God and become bitter by doing so.
#2. You lose yourself by giving up on your hopes and dreams, you no longer believe in yourself or God's purpose for your life.
#3. You lose your faith in people, your family and your friends included.
I can't begin to describe to you how horrible your life could become without God being in the center of it,
Now, we've all tried to figure things out on our own in a small way but imagine for a moment that you didn't have God in your life, that you didn't have his hand over you to protect you, that his blessings were removed, that his leading wasn't there telling you what to say or to do, where to go or not to go..
It doesn't sound very good, does it?
I need God, You need God, We all need God because without him we lose everything that is important and valuable.
I can't live without his Joy, Peace, Love, Purpose, Hope, Faithfulness and his blessings..I cannot do it and I never wish to, although I have tried before but after doing so I learned that I am nothing without him but a vapor, I am insignificant without his leading in my life!
There isn't anything this world has to offer that I want because it isn't enough to last. All I want is what God has in store for me, all I need is just a touch of his purpose and his leading.
When I fail, God is the one to attend to my need and He meets every need I have! He is my supplier and my comforter as well as my healer!
If you've made a mistake in your life lately and you're having a hard time dealing with it because of the guilt, I'm here to tell you that you can give that to God and He will heal your broken pieces.
though you'll remember what you did..the guilt and pain from that mistake can be taken away from you if you'll give it to God!
I know that it may be hard to believe this but God still wants to use you!
Yes, that's what I said!
God has something better than you could ever imagine and He wants to see you have your dreams come true!
Don't give up on your aspersions..not for anyone..
God gave those to you for a special reason.. allow God to lead you out of the shadow places and into the light again! Life isn't over for you because of your fact, It may be that those mistakes will take you right to the right place and into God's purpose for your life!
God is still faithful and He still offers grace to cover over any mistake!
"Seek" God and you will "See" God working in all areas of your life!
Today is the day to make things right with God and allowing him to lead you from now on!
Don't worry about is long gone! Today is new and starts with fresh mercy! God loves you!
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