They say that misery loves company but I've always thought that was kind of ironic, mainly because when I think about the word "misery" the word I think about next is "lonely" but when I think about the two things I wonder, why would someone who is miserable act the way that they do by wanting to bring down the company that they are with?
Then I think about the word lonely, this word means to desire or long for companionship, not so much the same meaning as the word misery but the two words are similar.
why is it that we want others around us at that time?
it's because we want them to show empathy toward us when we are feeling miserable but we don't have any idea how much of a toll that we can bring to others by doing this,
perhaps if we could find a way to get past our feelings of misery in our prayer closets more often..maybe others would be there for us when we are lonely more often because we would allow them to bring our spirits up instead of us bringing their spirits down like we do when we are feeling miserable.
When you're feeling blue sometimes you need someone to be there for you but you need to understand that sometimes your friends aren't going to be able to be there for you and that's alright because that gives you the opportunity to reach out to God for comfort and to bring you the full healing that you need at that very moment!
When you're feeling miserable..God can meet you where you are! When you're feeling lonely..He will draw near to you and be your best friend!
God is with you at all times so put your trust in Him..He's got you!
Psalms 119:76-77
"Let your steadfast love comfort me
according to your promise to your servant.
Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight."
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