Tuesday, April 14, 2015

~Who are you?~

As human beings we are made up of so many different layers, 
We are so dynamic but more than that..we are all so unique!
When I think about the fact that every single person that God has made is uniquely different..I can't help but to think about how much God must love and value us all, 
to take the time to put into each of us..special qualities, talents, fascinations, gifting's, strengths, and even different spirits!
Think about it..God must really love you, to take such time to put into creating someone as special as you are!
God not only gave us our talents but he also gave us all a divine purpose to complete, he even called us "his" and many of us are called to minister in unique ways!

I for one never imagined the year before last having this opportunity to preach through my blog, 
I didn't even realize that there was such a ministry..that is until I became a part of that ministry and lives started to be touched!
God knows my heart and my personality, he knows my weaknesses and my strengths, he knows my dreams and my goals, he knows everything that I want to do in this life and what my fears are..But somehow he had this purpose set aside for me because I am set apart for him.
I find my identity in him and in the purpose he has for my life.

God has something set out for each of us to do and only we are able to choose to complete whatever that may be.

God wants us to have joy and to be encouragers but more than that..he wants us to reach out in the areas that he has purposed us to reach out in..those are the areas that we thrive in!
There isn't a greater feeling than touching the life of someone else out there..to offer that one person hope, not to "give up" but to "get up" 
there isn't a better feeling than to know that you are part of the reason why they chose to get up and to move forward walking with God!

So let me ask you this question today..
Who are you? And more importantly Whose are you?
Who are you? Meaning..what is your purpose? Where are you meant to be?
Whose are you? Meaning..who do you run to for help? Who holds you up when the world has pushed you down?

I hope this causes you to find the answer to the question that you have long been searching for the answer to in your life today! 
If you still don't know..seek God until he reveals that purpose to you! Know that he has a purpose for you and that purpose is going to give you the identity that you've always searched for!
God's will is like a lost puzzle piece that you've been searching for but waiting for a long time to finally find and when you find that missing piece..everything in your life then comes together somehow and it feels just right..like it should've always been there!
Find God's purpose for your life and complete the puzzle by adding to it the last piece of that puzzle!

Ephesians 1:9-12
"making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory."


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