How many times do we ask God "why" whenever a door closes in our lives that we didn't expect to see closing?
Have you ever thought that maybe the reason for it closing wasn't because of you but because God thought that you deserved something better in your life or even someone that would challenge you a little more than that person did.
It doesn't have to be horrible for it to not work out, it could even be good and still not work out with that person but you have to come to a point in your life where you finally stop asking questions and find a way to move on with your life, you have to trust that whatever the reason behind it not working are going to not look back but to move forward to better things in your life.
Maybe the reason why some good relationships don't work out is because God was preparing you for the right person that you are going to meet sometime soon down the road!
Whatever happens in your life..know that there is a purpose because God created you and he only creates where there is a purpose, he doesn't make mistakes, he only makes good things..therefore you have a purpose that far surpasses your own ideals and hopes!
Though it's not always easy to say the dreaded "goodbye" God wants us to say it without fear of moving forward, without a fear of it leaving behind you, without a fear of what's to come,
He wants us to say goodbye with the attitude of "thank you for your lessons" and "I am ready" that's our happy medium and where our focus should be shifted to.
We should never have the attitude of "I'm not good enough" or "My best isn't even good enough"
Don't ever allow anyone or any situation to cause you to feel inferior! Because if You are a child of don't ever have to feel that way because he is the strength and hope that will always drive you past the hardest times of your life! Don't give up and don't ever forget whom you belong to..You are a king kid and you are going to make it past this coming out of it better than you ever imagined you would!
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