Friday, October 23, 2015
~To Love and To Be Loved~
There are many in this world nowadays who have misconceptions of what it means to love someone.
For some reason many are receiving instead of giving like they should be doing, it seems like there are too many around these days who want to know what's in it for them instead of wondering what they can do for the person beside them.
The reason why so many relationships end in this day in age is because we have lost our love for people, we no longer use our social skills and we don't have meaningful conversation but instead we think only about gaining things for our own selfish pleasure and we don't develop a deeper relationship but want to skip past getting to know someone from the inside all that is desired is to get to know someone by skipping the bases and making it all the way to third base but we no longer make it to the home plate because in this world it's not about making a beautiful family life in a lovely home's about getting everything you can out of someone and then walking away when you think they are getting "Too Serious" or they are getting "Too Close" and that scares many nowadays!
The American Dream isn't the same anymore and our world isn't safe like it once was because we have put so much sin and evil into it!
We have done it to this world, we have corrupted it with sin and now the innocent children are having to deal with it! But what do we do? Nothing.
We just close our eyes to the fact that we are the problem and if we only realized it..we could change this world for the better!
Unless we surrender and admit that we have sinned and unless we turn to God once more.. our society, our schools and yes, even our churches will continue to dig deeper into the things of this world and instead of changing..we have suddenly decided to accept things of sinful nature in our homes, schools and even behind church walls and that means that we have welcomed it into our sanctuaries and that means that there isn't a refuge to run to if we don't stop it from happening! Without that refuge..there can be no peace and one thing is for certain..sin causes us to lose our peace and not only also causes us to lose sight of our dreams as well!
We have to return to God, we have to get on our knees again in prayer, we have to remember where we came from, not only for ourselves but think about the innocent children out there who are having to live inside the world that you have shaped around them!
Do it for the benefit of a better world for your future family, because like it or not..what you do today will effect them also, if you don't realize that what you're doing is wrong and start getting involved in church again!
Take control of your life now so something bad doesn't take root in your heart and control your life for you!
If you'll surrender everything to God..Then God will give you everything that you'll ever need and most of all you'll have peace in your life and a smile on your face even when bad days come..because you'll have the joy from the Lord that no one can ever take away!
This verse reminded me of the world we live in and how we need to choose God once more because we know that we cannot survive without him leading us in every area of our lives!
Joshua 24:14-16
“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Then the people answered, “Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods!”
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