Thursday, November 5, 2015

~Don't waste your time..~

Have you ever stopped and wondered what your purpose was?
The fact is that if you have to stop and wonder about probably haven't discovered what that is yet.

First of all, We were made to worship.. so if we aren't worshipping our very creator..then what are we doing?
The answer is..we are wasting our time, precious time.

Second, We have a wonderful imagination..but we are filling it up with things like porn and things that we see with our eyes instead of seeing with our hearts!
We try to satisfy ourselves with temporary pleasures that only feel good or look good for a season but when they fade away we wonder what we are missing in our lives..But what do we do? We go back to the porn and all the temporary fills that brought us to that place more than once in our lives and instead of changing..we remain the same and we refuse to admit that it's us that's the problem and that our hearts need to change!

What is wrong with us? We are starting to waste away, we no longer apply the bible to how our lives should be, but instead we go on reading the verses that we are "okay" with and refuse to apply the whole word of God toward changing our lives for the better simply because we are afraid to be different and to be separated from the ideals and temporary fills of this world!

What would happen if we gave God our all? How many more people would we help! If only we'd admit that we want to change into something better..we would also understand that we can do anything with God and we could benefit others around us by walking in His truth! We could shake this world and wake it up to realize that they need Jesus!
Our vision would be clearer and we would start to dream beautiful dreams again, if only we would surrender our minds and our eyes to God again!

Let's surrender our everything to God! Our every thought and dream so we can strive to be something better for the world to see and along the way we will bring others to salvation just from seeing our faith turned into actions!
Don't waste today, choose today to make a difference in the world by showing them the love of Christ and by showing them the difference that He's made in your life!


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