Saturday, November 29, 2014

~Grace has bought you~

When you make a mistake and you turn away from it and repent from it..Satan is going to come in like a flood every other day to try to convince you.. "because of that mistake you are worthless now" Don't you listen to him! God can use you now just like He could before those mistakes..Get up and kick Satan down by speaking about the goodness of God and how He came in even when it was almost too late for you! Testify to the world what you came out of and how it's not too late for grace to come in and rescue you from the chains of sin! The only reason why Satan is coming at you so hard is because..YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE! 
Don't give up, turn from sin and let His healing begin..for grace came and it bought you, and now God has brought you because He has called you! Don't ever forget it! God loves you!

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