Thursday, November 27, 2014

~I Am Blessed~

Where can I start? I guess the first thing I can honestly say that I feel blessed having in my life is for my wonderful family, God knew who to put as my parents and to raise me in the way I should go, I'm so fortunate to not only have been raised by wonderful parents but by Godly parents as well! I am positive that I wouldn't be the person I am today without them because through their example I have learned how to help others by encouraging them in Christ!
Next I am thankful for my sister that I always have someone to laugh with..even when sometimes I know that a lot of those laughs comes from learning the ability to laugh at myself and to find joy through the sorrow..I believe that's what having a sister has taught me most of all, even when we pick at each other..still as adults, but I wouldn't change that in a heartbeat!
Next I am thankful for my niece and nephew who I love as my own..I'm not sure if I could love anyone as much as I love those heart is so full!
Next I want to thank God for all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and my grandparents! I've learned so much from you all and I wish that we could get together more often..especially on this special day of which we celebrate the things we are most thankful for. 
I also want to thank my grandma Beck even though she has passed away a year ago..which seems like yesterday, I'm so thankful to have learned from her by learning how to truly treat people with kindness from the heart..she taught me to never become bitter and to always have faith in people by giving them a second chance and showing them love even though sometimes people don't always act nice to you. 
I want to thank YOU, my Facebook friends and my blog readers..without your constant belief in my devotionals and in my abilities.. I couldn't have done this, it's your confidence in me that has driven me to never give up and through that I have made it through some trying times in my life though I didn't share them all publicly, I was struggling throughout the year but my way of reaching out was reaching out to you with my words and by writing those words I was able to build myself up and cope with life's circumstances! You don't know what you all mean to me and I'm forever greatful for your support!
Next I want to thank my church family for always believing in me even before I started all of this, before my writing, before my singing, at the very beginning I was welcomed with open arms and you all accepted me for the shy girl I used to watched me come out of my shell and become the Woman of God that I am today!
And last but not least..I have to thank my God for his many blessings in life! God you have held me together when I saw the walls falling all around me..somehow you kept me safe even when I would run away at times, God you stood beside me and gave me strength to fight again so many times! You have given me so many talents that I never even knew that I could use for your glory but I am! 
I am sure that God has a Man out there for me that will work for the Lord right beside me that I will meet someday soon.
I thank you Jesus for saving me and protecting me all my life from harm..even my heart has been protected from being scared, when my heart was hurting you picked me up and held me are the lover of my soul and my constant place of comfort of which I can always go! Help me to keep going until you return to catch us up to be with you, I'm forever yours and I know that I will do much more for you!

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