Wednesday, April 26, 2017

~In the eye of the storm..~

~In the eye of the storm.."

Sometimes our eyes get off of the things of God, God's plan for our lives, His purpose and all the goodness that is God and we begin to look around us to see the chaos, the ones that we are unable to help, the negative voices telling us that we can't do anything right but sometimes what it takes is for us to admit and cry out to God that "we can't, but He can!"
"We are weak but He is strong!"
It's that voice crying out to God that will build us up to move the mountains in our lives! 
It's a desperate cry that we can no longer continue without His hand holding ours and leading us wherever He would have us go!
When we realize that..
 "we can't but He can!" 
..Suddenly the overwhelming things become little, they are now..
"it's in your hands Lord! I know you have a plan, move anything out of my path that wasn't sent by you so your purpose can take place in my life!"
Get an attitude of..
"That's my God!" 
"If God is with me, I won't fail!"
Have faith that shakes things up in your life! 
Dig your heels in and rebuke the enemy and instruments he has placed in your life to try to harm you or prevent God's full plan to come to light! 
Satan's schemes and lies will not overtake you! 
God is with you in the dark areas of your life! 
God sees the gray clouds coming your way and He will be right there with you while you're making your way past them! 
He will walk beside you and lead you to the other side of it!
God hasn't left you behind, He's been with you the whole time..
You simply forgot to ask for His help in that situation but it's not too late to cry out to Him for help! 
Reach out and grab ahold of His promises once more!
God will show up and help you in your hours of distress! 
Don't give up on His plan for your life! Speak life! 
Declare joy and peace and the blessings of God into your life again!
It's not over! 
There's freedom! 
Joy is yours! 
Purpose is yours so seek Him and you'll begin to see those things come to pass into your life!
It's not over! Don't throw in the towel! Instead get on your knees and declare the things of God! Rebuke the enemy and he WILL FLEE FROM YOU!!


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

~Self Frustration~

Do you ever become frustrated with yourself because you can't seem to clear your mind to focus on what task you are trying to accomplish?

It's difficult at times when something is so important to you but you can't seem to explain the significance of what's in your mind and on your heart to your friends and loved ones because you can't seem to focus or get past the feeling of "I can't do this" or "What is wrong with me?"

It all comes down to this..
God makes no mistakes, he is the one that can bring relief to our minds and the one of whom we can cast our frustrations on because he loves us and wants to bring peace to this crazy life!

When you become frustrated and you don't know what to do, when you begin to question your worth because of this..Stop, Pray and ask the Lord for  peace that passes all understanding and he will help take that frustration away from you!

When you tell yourself "I can't"
Don't stop there, start saying.."I can't But He can!"
God works beyond our abilities and makes the impossible possible!
There's nothing wrong with you!
God makes no mistakes!
you just need more of God to look past your frustration and begin to remember His purpose for your life!His design isn't flawed..He made us all with a special destiny in mind!
all we need to do is allow Him to fill our minds with His peace and it's the kind of peace that Nothing Else can fulfill in our lives!
Let's remind ourselves of this verse today..

"Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let
the righteous be shaken." -Psalms 55:22


Monday, February 20, 2017

~Stolen Things~

Satan is a scoundrel, no matter how you cut it! He is a thief! He's a liar! He is deceitful! He is the master of confusion and wants to put fear in us!
He wants to destroy our hopes and dreams but more than that..he steals our joy and peace!

He wants to crush our spirit, to remove the smile from your face that brings joy to others around you!
He doesn't want you to believe in yourself or to trust the people who love you when they really want you to succeed in your life but he doesn't want you to!
He wants to put doubt in you and cause you to doubt that God loves you and also doubt that your family and friends love you!

This is the way he works, He wants to hold you back from anything good!
He only wants us to fail at what we're good at and doesn't want us to move out of the past and live for today and move toward a much fuller future but to be held back from success!

But let me tell you about my God..
My God has a plan for each and every person from the moment of conception!
He is a loving God that loves us unconditionally!

He looks upon the heart and doesn't look upon the exterior of a person,
He is forgiving and merciful,
He is mighty and wants to give us strength! He is our protector!
He is the alpha and omega, the first and the last! He will never fade from our lives, He will forever be!

He loves us all equally and sent his son so we could choose to have a better life spent in eternity with him!
With God..what do we have to fear?
With God on our side..who can stop us? No one!
Keep will get there!
The joy of the Lord will be your strength if you will allow it!
It may be impossible on our own But with God..Nothing is impossible!


Sunday, February 19, 2017

~Breaking The Mold~

Why is it that we feel like we should try so hard to become something that we're not just for the sake of making other people more comfortable, while in the meantime it's causing us to compromise the unique individual that God created us to be?

This world is so messed up with people who are two faced and seek only to destroy those around them by picking apart someone to the point that they question their worth or they weaken the small amount of confidence that they do have, with the world being so critical it's no wonder that we pretend to be someone we just aren't but we also do that to ourselves at times, we can be our own worst enemy, our biggest critic.

We can also become wishy washy with ourselves and concerning others, we can tell ourselves one day that we are a child of God, a masterpiece but the next day we will change our perspective because of a mistake that we made and instead of allowing ourselves to accept the grace that God gives freely to anyone who will accept it..we will mellow in our own self pity instead and not only that but we want to tell anyone who will listen!
But It's time to change! Are you ready? I am.
I'm tired of hiding my individuality, I want to show the world the funny and easygoing person that I've tried so hard to hide, I don't know why we feel like we have to create almost an alias in order to get those around us to like us. The truth is that the right people will come to love us for who we really why not try to be your true self out there, too?

Let's be honest about who we are and about things that we like and dislike, what our passions are in life, who we live our life for and people who mean the world to us!

One of the things I have a hard time letting go of is what people think of me, I know a lot of other people struggle with this..because of this you're afraid to fully trust those around you even your family at times and it also causes you to have a difficult time communicating your feelings and opinions to those around you.
But here's the biggest issue with not accepting and showing fully who you are to others..
By not showing who you are, you are actually denying God of showing his glory through you, his creation!
You are trying to make a new mold..trying to create someone who doesn't even compare to the person that God created you to be!

When God made YOU, ME, ALL..
He broke the mold!
We are all unique, works of art, masterpieces of the most high God! We don't have to make excuses to anyone!
The only opinion that matters is God's! What God sees in us is pure gold, rubies and the most valuable of all treasures!! So let's begin to thank God for the masterpiece that he created in us and allow him to use us in mighty ways once more! We are all loved by a Heavenly Father so let's start loving ourselves so he can shine through us in our lives and we'll be able to change the world by doing so!! Are you with me? Let's do this!
