Thursday, June 19, 2014

~Home is where your heart is?~

I have a question for you to think about today..Home is where the heart is or home is where your fondest memories were?
While you think about that I'll tell you what I think about it..
To me it seems like an oxymoron, if you think of it in one sense it sort of cancels out the other possibility, in other words if you think "home is where the heart is" then you believe that there are all forms of possibilities in store for you and a good thing is just around the corner, you always think positive about things in your present as well as your future and that makes you excited for the things to come!
Now, on the other hand if you believe "home is where your fondest memories were" then it can become difficult and even painful to think toward your future, the last thing you need to do is wish for yesterday and long for how it was in the past..for one thing you need to also think about the kind of person you were then and imagine what would've happened in your life had you not changed into the kind of person you are today! If we think too far into the past we somehow become comprehensive about our unforeseen future full of wonderful new things that are good for us! If we won't allow ourselves to think in the present and have a good imagination toward our future then we could contradict our future and lose our passions along the way..
To me life is not so much about being me it's more about giving yourself a good chance at life and surrounding yourself with people that believe in your vision filled with hope and living an honest lifestyle, I think life is looking back and being proud of the person we have become in the here and now, looking past our mistakes and being humbled by the fact that we have learned something from those mistakes..knowing that we will never go back to them,
I also believe that this life is also about being honest with others and telling them your ideals about life but at the same time not to be too naive, I believe that we should end the day knowing that we don't have any regrets of not sharing our lives with our loved ones..after all, isn't that the whole point in that we spend most of our valuable time with the ones we deeply care for?
That's just my take on life, you are welcome to believe in your vision of what life is..there's nothing wrong with your ideals on that subject either, just make sure that you always say sorry and remember to say "I love you" and you always allow the past mistakes to benefit your future by not returning to those past mistakes..why return to the things or people that have hurt you before? Life is too short to have a memory full of regrets..chose an abundant life and to love those around you..and most importantly, don't wait until tomorrow to say what you feel today because the person that you need to tell may not be there may be too late to say the words that you long to say! Say what you need to say today and leave no regrets for tomorrow!
How many more times are we going to hold back the words that we want to say? Life is so precious and so valuable, life is but a vapor and it can end just as quickly as it begins so don't remain silent, don't push others away, and don't deny what you dream of..dreams are there for a reason and we shouldn't ignore them, we should be wise and pay attention to our dreams as well as following those dreams. Allow God to lead you right where you're meant to be, or go, or become, God knows our hearts and our dreams aren't kept from his sight..they are as clear as the stars to him..I don't know about you but I look forward to God's unfolding dream for my life, I live to discover it and I desire to follow after his purpose for my life..
I can already see my dreams taking shape in many areas, I look forward to turning the page to the next chapter of my life's story and read it's storyline..and perhaps even discover some new characters along the way..Life is a journey, travel it!

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