Monday, March 24, 2014

~Step back and let God do his thing!~

There are so many things going on around us at times that it suddenly becomes hard to surrender our lives to God, Sure there's a desire to want to be a better person but at times we refuse to see it God's way in our situations!
If only we would step back and watch God take over in our lives!
If we know that our lives would be much better with God being number one then why is it that we cannot just give our lives to him?
If we know that nothing else compares to the greatness of our God then why do we push him so far away from taking full control over our lives?
The answer?..We are still made of flesh and we still have sin in our lives, do have a choice, you may tell yourself that you don't have a choice but YOU DO!
It's your decision and your decision alone to choose whom you will serve!
God gave us all a free will and the freedom to choose him or to continue to live our lives in sin!
Make up your minds and choose life! Choose God, the maker of Heaven and earth, the one who put our lives into motion! The maker of the lovely  stars! Looking around you and seeing all of the beauty that surrounds you..Tell me there's no God! Because when you look at all of creation and even when you look into the eyes of your children..You must know that God is real! You must know about his love for you..Why would you wait another second in deciding to serve him?
Choose Jesus and choose Life! Satan doesn't have much to offer you, he only wants you to struggle in your life but God wants only the very best for you life! Won't you choose him today?
John 10:9-10
"I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

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